Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 67

Wow, after tricep burns yesterday, today's workout was more pleasant. Weirdly though I have been starving the whole day long. Not exactly sure why.
Bruce's skipping is positively INCREDIBLE. I used to be the skipping champ in this house, but seems like my better half has found his mojo.... Great inspiration for me also. Wow, he can skip !!

Good to be back on the Blog. Helps me stay motivated. Can't believe that the end of PCP is in sight. Wow, Patrick. How exhausting it must be for you to be motivating PCPers every day of the year. Although I guess it is hugely satisfying for you to see the end result in each person who has whinged or whined along the way but made it to the end with a yeeehaaaaah.

Looking forward to my strawberries and yoghurt now as bedtime snack. The egg white smoothies seem like a distant hazy dream.....

Friday 5 August 2011

Day 66 - long time no blog

Sorry gang - long time with no blog. It has been so friggin' busy past week or so, I don't know where the hours are flying.
Will do a proper blog tonight. Just checked out the Pucksters' blogs and you are all doing fantastically. Tres impressed with the group's progress.