Saturday 3 September 2011

Day 90 - the end of PCP

Wow. Three months ago I had no idea what the PCP journey was going to be all about, and now already the whole experience is in the past.

Amazing programme - hats off to Patrick and Chen. You have this thing TOTALLY sorted and ironed out.     The most incredible thing is how the programme is a "one size fits all". I never thought there could be a programme that could suit males, females, all shapes, sizes, fitness levels and personality types. You guys have it mastered. I cannot recommend the PCP highly enough to anyone considering a challenge, change and hoping for some self-improvement, both inside and out.

I think the thing that I took most from PCP was the emotional and mental part. Sure, it felt great to wake up my body, get some tone and firm up some wobbly places. Not to mention the buzz of shaking off nearly 5 kilos of unloved excess flab hanging around unwelcome places. But it was the feel good factor that was addictive. It was the falling in love with healthy food again that was empowering. And finally, it was breaking free from all those negative and bad food habits - for me, mostly of the sweet variety that was truly life changing.

I, unlike some of my more tough and strong will-powered fellow PCPers, did not make at 100% commitment to both the food and exercise for the full 90 days. However, the challenge for me was always personal and private right from the start. It was not about proving myself to anyone else or having myself monitored by others - be it supportive family or friends, or strangers on the internet. PCP for me was about challenging myself mentally and physically and proving to MYSELF that I can self-improve and better myself and enjoy the process, not hate it.

However, I have also learnt that I do not flourish in a strict regime. It tends to well up feelings of rebellion and resentment. I am best left in charge of myself, but while following a healthy and happy guideline in terms of nutrition and exercise.

To have given up the highs and lows associated with drinking alcohol for 90 days has been phenomenal. I realise how awesome the day can be if it does not start with a cloudy head or a nausea that is hard to shake until you reach 11 am. I have not missed the drinking at all - apart from with friends or enjoying a great meal in a restaurant. However, I have enjoyed two evenings of drinking wine (but moderate amounts) with friends in the last week, and now that it is a treat, not a norm, there is even more pleasure derived from it.

I realise now how often I would reach for a cookie before a piece of fruit and am horrified that all these years of eating "healthy" muesli, special K or all bran for breakfast has been a calorie packed con ! I now adore my one piece of low gi bread with veg, sometimes with an egg added as a treat, and plan on continuing this very good habit for years, not months to come.

The support/blogging/email part was essential to remain motivated. Without that, there is no doubt, that more people would struggle to remain focused for the whole 90 PCP days. I was incredibly fortunate to land in such a funny, witty, honest and determined group. Puck it guys - we WERE the coolest gang. No doubt about that ! Your results are all phenonmenal. Although I have never met you and don't know if you have brothers or sisters, I feel like I know you all and am proud of your results and merriment throughout the journey - good and bad days for us all.

Lastly, I would like to thank Bruce for his consistency and enthusiasm for the programme. He impressed me past my wildest expectations with his drive, determination, tunnel vision and dedication to the programme, the weight loss, the change of his nutritional outlook and his new found passion for exercise. Deep down, it was always his results I was the most excited about. However, he exceeded all the goals set by PCP and more importantly, by himself. I have gained a new, healthier,  more energetic, younger, happier and handsomer husband than I had three months ago. That in itself has made the PCP the most incredible success in our household. Even the kids are benefiting from a dad who is fitter and more happy inside and now happy to see himself in photos, not embarassed. Wowzers !!!

So to anyone reading this wondering if they should join PCP - my advice is just give it a whirl. 90 days is a minor portion of your life. When I think pregnancy is 3 times that, it makes me realise what a short time commitment PCP is. However, don't kid yourself. PCP is not for sissies. It is not for lazy arses. And it certainly is not for the weak willed or unmotivated. Do it. You learn so much about yourself. All of it is good. To self-improve and move forward can NEVER be a bad thing. PCP will change your life. DO IT.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 67

Wow, after tricep burns yesterday, today's workout was more pleasant. Weirdly though I have been starving the whole day long. Not exactly sure why.
Bruce's skipping is positively INCREDIBLE. I used to be the skipping champ in this house, but seems like my better half has found his mojo.... Great inspiration for me also. Wow, he can skip !!

Good to be back on the Blog. Helps me stay motivated. Can't believe that the end of PCP is in sight. Wow, Patrick. How exhausting it must be for you to be motivating PCPers every day of the year. Although I guess it is hugely satisfying for you to see the end result in each person who has whinged or whined along the way but made it to the end with a yeeehaaaaah.

Looking forward to my strawberries and yoghurt now as bedtime snack. The egg white smoothies seem like a distant hazy dream.....

Friday 5 August 2011

Day 66 - long time no blog

Sorry gang - long time with no blog. It has been so friggin' busy past week or so, I don't know where the hours are flying.
Will do a proper blog tonight. Just checked out the Pucksters' blogs and you are all doing fantastically. Tres impressed with the group's progress.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 57 - bugger bugger bugger

I was cocky too soon. Woke up to do skips straight away and agony - injury is back, so had to abandon skips half way through and brisk walk on the treadmill instead. Mornings are so tight for time, so did another brisk dog walk at sunset tonight while B fed the kids.
Then did my exercises just now, but had to make up some different leg ones as the pain is too sore for lunges and pistol squats and of course the jumps. However, squats were less painful so hammered out lots of those !

So this time I won't let the injury get me down or lose my focus. I shall just re-adjust the cardio part and then cut back on the carbs until skipping or running again.

I am pissed off though. Things happen for a reason just can't fathom why this is happening on PCP. Lets just keep going and see....

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Day 56 - skipping master is back

Wooooooohooooooooooo back on the skipping after sprained muscle has repaired. Three days now of skipping like Sylvester Stallone and so good for the morale.
Bruce cheered me on today for the 4 x 4 minute sets and I managed to do 400, 494, 492 and 400 skips in the four sets. Just call me Rocky..... welcome back to the game Georgie !!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Day 53 - knee repaired

Been a bit off the PCP radar. Got really depressed by the injury and it threw me off balance with the whole project.
However, good news is it feels 100% today, so I am going to start skipping again from tomorrow.
Then seeing the physio on Monday to get his professional opinion.

Have not been having any carbs after my one piece of Low GI bread for breakfast while my cardio has not been happening. Not really missed it too much at lunch. Just increase the salad part of veggies so I feel good and full till pm snack.

Bruce back tomorrow, so that will make it easier to duck away and do the exercises. My little one is still too wee to leave unattended, so have to do workouts when they are asleep which is not very fun but once Bruce is back tomorrow, then we can cane it for the last chunk of PCP and shift taking care of the kids so we can work out in mornings and afternoons again.

My jeans look baggy on the bum today and need a belt for the waist which is a great feeling. Also, went out last night with kids for a birthday supper and a person who has not seen me for ages commented on a new slimmer version of me. That always feels good !!

Hope all your weekends are great. I will be blogging positive exercise news from tomorrow. In the meantime, food is going great and I am looking forward to having an indulgence with Bruce this weekend.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 49 - dog power walking

Obviously the treadmill is no kinder to my leg injury than skipping which is gutting. So today's cardio saw me power walk our two dogs round the estate at high speed. They were pooped when I got back and haven't stopped sleeping since so hopefully the pace was PCP passable.

Pissed off about this sore knee, but know everything happens for a reason. Chatted to the physio guy today and he has suggested trying cycling as cardio tomorrow, as there is no way I can get to a pool.

I am hoping that 2 or 3 days more of "resting" my left leg a bit will mean it is ready for the final 40 days of caning it on PCP. I guess an injury is to teach one patience and frustration management. I am working on it!

However, somebody took pity on me and ensured that when I got on the scales this morning, a further half kilo has been removed from my wobbly bits, so the high I am on from that good news is hard to ruin.

Seems like I am 3.5kg down from the start. I was aiming for 2kgs each month as a minimum, so that means I am on track - shew !! The place I can see best shrinkage results is my ass. So actually PCP has helped the view for others in my life - not me in the mirror. HA HA HA !