Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 49 - dog power walking

Obviously the treadmill is no kinder to my leg injury than skipping which is gutting. So today's cardio saw me power walk our two dogs round the estate at high speed. They were pooped when I got back and haven't stopped sleeping since so hopefully the pace was PCP passable.

Pissed off about this sore knee, but know everything happens for a reason. Chatted to the physio guy today and he has suggested trying cycling as cardio tomorrow, as there is no way I can get to a pool.

I am hoping that 2 or 3 days more of "resting" my left leg a bit will mean it is ready for the final 40 days of caning it on PCP. I guess an injury is to teach one patience and frustration management. I am working on it!

However, somebody took pity on me and ensured that when I got on the scales this morning, a further half kilo has been removed from my wobbly bits, so the high I am on from that good news is hard to ruin.

Seems like I am 3.5kg down from the start. I was aiming for 2kgs each month as a minimum, so that means I am on track - shew !! The place I can see best shrinkage results is my ass. So actually PCP has helped the view for others in my life - not me in the mirror. HA HA HA !


  1. Brilliant that you pooped out the dogs. What sort of dogs?

  2. Shame Georgie - sorry to hear about your injury!!!!! Love Bruce's comment above.... sorry that he is away now for 6 days! Very impressed with the weight loss - WELL DONE GEORGIE, lots of love X
