Sunday 17 July 2011

Day 47 - irritating injury

I had sore calf muscle in my left leg about a week ago and just kept on skipping for another 3 days then wham on Day 44 the pain became less of an irritating ache and into a pain that rendered me unable to squat, lunge or skip anymore...

I went to the chiropractor (who obviously also does physio) on Friday (Day 45) and he can feel/see the knot and confirmed it is definitely a repetitive strain injury probably from all the skipping. He did some magic which made the pain lesson, and I am being diligent with applying deep heat and having hot bath at night to soothe everything.

I feel horrendously upset and guilty that Day 45 and 46 saw me doing no exercise on legs at all, but have just finished a 4km run on the treadmill, followed by rest of workout and so the guilt is subsiding and hopefully if I take it easy on the treadmill for a few days, the injury will repair quickly and then back to me old skipping it shall be.

Having never been someone of the sporty variety, to have a "sports injury" is another new phenomenon. I am battling with the frustration of not being able to plod on with programme at my desired speed, but rather to listen to my body and respect the limitations it is showing me.

On a lighter note, Bruce and I now are in the romantic habit of doing our 8 minute abs side by side each evening, so in a way, it is our "new" highlight of the evening, rather than eating veg and going to bed really early. It has spiced up the evenings, which are rather dreary now we can't go out and socialise with friends (as we are just too weird and not fun in restaurants/bars anymore and even more of a nightmare to go to someone else's house and then not be able to eat anything they have lovingly prepared for you, low-fat or otherwise!).

Bruce goes away on business tomorrow for 6 days so my challenge is going to increase as I have to squeeze all the workouts, cooking, job etc in and the kids go back to school tomorrow, so I need to have us all up and ready and driving by 7.15am. Eeek - not sure what time I am going to have to set the alarm to get the skipping/treadmill in before the crazy morning routine starts....

Lovely weekend though. Spring is in the air....


  1. That does sound like a pain in the butt ... well, calf. I realised Saturday that my pub-going is still fun, but not MORE fun than with soda-water. I'm happy to be back off the booze again.

    We had some beautiful days here in Sydney, but spring has not yet sprung. Hopefully soon. The recent cold snap has made everything less good (particularly the bits of PCP I do outside.

  2. PC Challenge word for that comment was "tosspube". WTF?

  3. Awww - a couple the does 8MA together, stay together.

    I am trying to get my Hubbilicious to do 8MA with me at night too.

    Take care of the leg.

  4. Thanks guys.... nearly at day 50. Awesome...
