Friday 8 July 2011

Day 38 - one week on and life before PCP seems like a distant haze

Wow gang... sorry for a week without blogging. School holidays this side, so life a bit more manic but still going well with the PCP challenge and seeing results each day in the mirror.

Skin glowing (am sure it's the detox part of PCP) , arms and legs def feeling more toned/defined. Arse may even be a tad smaller (dreaming?!) but tummy still a wobbly jelly field and bingo wings still a horror.

However, state of mind is good. Bruce and I less grumpy with each other, which must mean our bodies are adjusting to this new sober and healthy way of life. We sleep so much - it's absurd ! Head upstairs at 9ish. Hot bath to soothe aching muscles and then more or less 8 hours of sleep (sometimes 9) each night. This is VERY NEW. We were always 6 or max 7 hours a night. Just so pooped after veg snack (and sober!) so seems like a good idea to curl up under the duvet, get away from the subzero temperature within our house (no invention such as central heating in South Africa !) and get some zizz in.

Skipping is still my strongest part. Enjoy it. I do them in sets of 200 as of today just to prevent the boredom and then mark off on a tally sheet after each set to keep motivated.

The pistol squat is a shocker, but I think I may vaguely start to be having a more or less type of form from today. The creeps and floor jumps are possible now (first two times were a dismal disaster) and the elevated triceps dips tough but happening.

The bicycle, v sit and plank definitely the three things I dread the most. My abs my weakest link. However Bruce and I did the 8 min ab video a couple of days ago, and so will try to do that more often to make up for crap planks. My son was watching me do the bicycle on my office chair today, and although he didn't say the words " Mum, you are a complete nutter and have lost your plot entirely" it was written so clearly in the look of his eyes. Luckily, one's kids love is unconditional or so we hope....

Definitey can see an improvement in shoulder, chest and back moves, and even the push ups and pull ups are getting better and better.

We have been so good at sticking to the food regime, but certainly my tip to future PCPers is to make your social life as non-existent as possible to facilitate sticking to the diet and avoiding temptation under your nose.
This past week alone, we had people to stay and cooked them a roast that we couldn't eat, they drank a bottle of red while chilling with us in front of the fire - we drank tap water. I went to an Indian Restaurant and drank an exciting sparkling mineral water (one no more!) the whole night while everyone else devoured curry and got slowly smashed on red wine. I hosted a surprise birthday party for a friend here on Monday morning - 6 gals, 10 kids, food galore and even popped some champagne - pink bubbles. Ooooh the toughness to resist... Went out to fave restuarant with the kids and friends last weekend after ice skating and had an... skinny decaf cappucino - woooooooo hoooooooo for a Saturday night !! (didn't even eat the complimentary biscuit on saucer or free mint with the bill !).

Today though, Bruce and I had a brilliant meeting with an amazing outcome, so went to a restaurant called Meat Co after to celebrate. We had red meat for the third time in the past 38 days - a pepper crusted fillet and it was awesome. Onion rings we decided counted as a veg (rather debatable but the batter was almost invisible!) and I even picked the parmesan off the rocket salad. Shared a whoopiedoo bottle of spring water and toasted our good health !!

Looking forward to working out in the mornings this weekend. It's definitely my best. Managed to do so a couple of days this past week, but more often than not end up doing the workout from 5 to 6 when home from work.

Still haven't split the skipping and the exercises. Prefer to nail the whole thing in one go. The tunes are ESSENTIAL. Madonna was my pal today. Each day I choose a different album/artist.

Hope you are all doing great. I will take some time this weekend to check out all your blogs, pictures, news and views.

Happy weekend all and can't wait till we hit the Day 40 mark. A sense of real acheivement comes with that, especially as Patrick says 90% of people flake out by that point. Excited to have it confirmed that we are the chosen few and stubborn enough to stick it out.



  1. Awesome post Georgie, you've got the GRIM ENTHUSIASM and will be rewarded for your commitment! Good job not killing your diet at the restaurants!

  2. Great post - thank you for sharing. So many things resonate with my own experience so it is great to know we are all on the same "Good Ship Lollipop".

    Weird to think that you are in the middle of winter in SA. I went to the beach today as it was a scorcher.
