Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 57 - bugger bugger bugger

I was cocky too soon. Woke up to do skips straight away and agony - injury is back, so had to abandon skips half way through and brisk walk on the treadmill instead. Mornings are so tight for time, so did another brisk dog walk at sunset tonight while B fed the kids.
Then did my exercises just now, but had to make up some different leg ones as the pain is too sore for lunges and pistol squats and of course the jumps. However, squats were less painful so hammered out lots of those !

So this time I won't let the injury get me down or lose my focus. I shall just re-adjust the cardio part and then cut back on the carbs until skipping or running again.

I am pissed off though. Things happen for a reason just can't fathom why this is happening on PCP. Lets just keep going and see....

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Day 56 - skipping master is back

Wooooooohooooooooooo back on the skipping after sprained muscle has repaired. Three days now of skipping like Sylvester Stallone and so good for the morale.
Bruce cheered me on today for the 4 x 4 minute sets and I managed to do 400, 494, 492 and 400 skips in the four sets. Just call me Rocky..... welcome back to the game Georgie !!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Day 53 - knee repaired

Been a bit off the PCP radar. Got really depressed by the injury and it threw me off balance with the whole project.
However, good news is it feels 100% today, so I am going to start skipping again from tomorrow.
Then seeing the physio on Monday to get his professional opinion.

Have not been having any carbs after my one piece of Low GI bread for breakfast while my cardio has not been happening. Not really missed it too much at lunch. Just increase the salad part of veggies so I feel good and full till pm snack.

Bruce back tomorrow, so that will make it easier to duck away and do the exercises. My little one is still too wee to leave unattended, so have to do workouts when they are asleep which is not very fun but once Bruce is back tomorrow, then we can cane it for the last chunk of PCP and shift taking care of the kids so we can work out in mornings and afternoons again.

My jeans look baggy on the bum today and need a belt for the waist which is a great feeling. Also, went out last night with kids for a birthday supper and a person who has not seen me for ages commented on a new slimmer version of me. That always feels good !!

Hope all your weekends are great. I will be blogging positive exercise news from tomorrow. In the meantime, food is going great and I am looking forward to having an indulgence with Bruce this weekend.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 49 - dog power walking

Obviously the treadmill is no kinder to my leg injury than skipping which is gutting. So today's cardio saw me power walk our two dogs round the estate at high speed. They were pooped when I got back and haven't stopped sleeping since so hopefully the pace was PCP passable.

Pissed off about this sore knee, but know everything happens for a reason. Chatted to the physio guy today and he has suggested trying cycling as cardio tomorrow, as there is no way I can get to a pool.

I am hoping that 2 or 3 days more of "resting" my left leg a bit will mean it is ready for the final 40 days of caning it on PCP. I guess an injury is to teach one patience and frustration management. I am working on it!

However, somebody took pity on me and ensured that when I got on the scales this morning, a further half kilo has been removed from my wobbly bits, so the high I am on from that good news is hard to ruin.

Seems like I am 3.5kg down from the start. I was aiming for 2kgs each month as a minimum, so that means I am on track - shew !! The place I can see best shrinkage results is my ass. So actually PCP has helped the view for others in my life - not me in the mirror. HA HA HA !

Monday 18 July 2011

Day 48

Going to go treadmill and exercise now. Couldn't split it into two parts today. Will try to do skipping or treadmill first thing tomorrow and then enjoy the feeling that exercise is done for the day (the Tuesday oasis of cardio only).

Bruce flying as I type. Will feel odd drinking my egg white smoothie alone not to mention having to hang out with 8 minute Ab dude by myself - impressed at the PCPers out there doing this solo. The solace and encouragement of doing this as a two has been indescribable.

I really can't wait to reach Day 50. Will be super proud of us all when that landmark is reached. I have lost 3kgs so am chuffed now. Just want to get leg all better so I can get back into the early morning skipping. Am keen to "melt" the fat as much as possible. The pressure of the 90 day photo is starting to mount....

Happy Monday to you all.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Day 47 - irritating injury

I had sore calf muscle in my left leg about a week ago and just kept on skipping for another 3 days then wham on Day 44 the pain became less of an irritating ache and into a pain that rendered me unable to squat, lunge or skip anymore...

I went to the chiropractor (who obviously also does physio) on Friday (Day 45) and he can feel/see the knot and confirmed it is definitely a repetitive strain injury probably from all the skipping. He did some magic which made the pain lesson, and I am being diligent with applying deep heat and having hot bath at night to soothe everything.

I feel horrendously upset and guilty that Day 45 and 46 saw me doing no exercise on legs at all, but have just finished a 4km run on the treadmill, followed by rest of workout and so the guilt is subsiding and hopefully if I take it easy on the treadmill for a few days, the injury will repair quickly and then back to me old skipping it shall be.

Having never been someone of the sporty variety, to have a "sports injury" is another new phenomenon. I am battling with the frustration of not being able to plod on with programme at my desired speed, but rather to listen to my body and respect the limitations it is showing me.

On a lighter note, Bruce and I now are in the romantic habit of doing our 8 minute abs side by side each evening, so in a way, it is our "new" highlight of the evening, rather than eating veg and going to bed really early. It has spiced up the evenings, which are rather dreary now we can't go out and socialise with friends (as we are just too weird and not fun in restaurants/bars anymore and even more of a nightmare to go to someone else's house and then not be able to eat anything they have lovingly prepared for you, low-fat or otherwise!).

Bruce goes away on business tomorrow for 6 days so my challenge is going to increase as I have to squeeze all the workouts, cooking, job etc in and the kids go back to school tomorrow, so I need to have us all up and ready and driving by 7.15am. Eeek - not sure what time I am going to have to set the alarm to get the skipping/treadmill in before the crazy morning routine starts....

Lovely weekend though. Spring is in the air....

Thursday 14 July 2011

Day 44

My depressed fog has been lifted by my exceptionally cool, kind and motivating fellow PCP team members (and guru). Merci buckets to you all....

From this point forth Georgie Porgie has been officially relaunched as an enthousiastic PCP fanatic who will chant positive mantras and stop looking at the scales and focus more on the great changes in the mirror. Promise....

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Day 42

Patrick's email today is music to my ears. My sentiments exactly.The novelty has worn off and the end seems miles away. However, GRIM ENTHUSIASM will be my motto henceforth and bugger off to the cynics. Georgie Porgie is going to finish these 90 days and kick ass......

Sunday 10 July 2011

Day 40 - woohooo !

Something highly inspiring about entering another decade of PCP. And many people have told me that life begins at 40...!

My calves have been aching since yesterday (probably just the change of me doing 7 x 200 reps of skips per set instead of 10 x 140). Certainly gets my heart rate up higher and I am more determined than ever to maximise good results for the next 50 days.

So, today was first time to do skipping first thing. Then workout at 5ish. Then 8 minute abs now at 9.30pm. Although good to have the whole day's chores (!) split into 3 more manageable and quick sections, the only downside is that it feels like PCP is dominating our lives! But if Patrick says that skipping as your feet touch the floor after night's sleep is the best fat burner then I am sold on the concept !

I still can't see dramatic or gobsmacking changes in the mirror, but depending on my mood, there are definitely some improvements slowly taking place. More tone in arms. My legs stronger than ever before and some of the squidgey parts seem to be shrinking. Nothing is getting bigger so that is a relief !

Food habits are certainly the healthiest they have ever been. Weekends used to be full of treats and moments of weakness. However,  they also used to be full of entertaining and having fun with friends !!! This was a quiet one, with just the four of us hanging out.  Even took our kids to movies without popcorn - another first and yet another bad habit broken. We had a nectarine in the car on the way and a bottle of still water as our "treat".

As Monday approaches tomorrow, am wondering how the diet will change starting Wednesday. Hopefully we don't lose the apple from the suppertime smoothie. I am still missing my friend the banana....

Friday 8 July 2011

Day 38 - one week on and life before PCP seems like a distant haze

Wow gang... sorry for a week without blogging. School holidays this side, so life a bit more manic but still going well with the PCP challenge and seeing results each day in the mirror.

Skin glowing (am sure it's the detox part of PCP) , arms and legs def feeling more toned/defined. Arse may even be a tad smaller (dreaming?!) but tummy still a wobbly jelly field and bingo wings still a horror.

However, state of mind is good. Bruce and I less grumpy with each other, which must mean our bodies are adjusting to this new sober and healthy way of life. We sleep so much - it's absurd ! Head upstairs at 9ish. Hot bath to soothe aching muscles and then more or less 8 hours of sleep (sometimes 9) each night. This is VERY NEW. We were always 6 or max 7 hours a night. Just so pooped after veg snack (and sober!) so seems like a good idea to curl up under the duvet, get away from the subzero temperature within our house (no invention such as central heating in South Africa !) and get some zizz in.

Skipping is still my strongest part. Enjoy it. I do them in sets of 200 as of today just to prevent the boredom and then mark off on a tally sheet after each set to keep motivated.

The pistol squat is a shocker, but I think I may vaguely start to be having a more or less type of form from today. The creeps and floor jumps are possible now (first two times were a dismal disaster) and the elevated triceps dips tough but happening.

The bicycle, v sit and plank definitely the three things I dread the most. My abs my weakest link. However Bruce and I did the 8 min ab video a couple of days ago, and so will try to do that more often to make up for crap planks. My son was watching me do the bicycle on my office chair today, and although he didn't say the words " Mum, you are a complete nutter and have lost your plot entirely" it was written so clearly in the look of his eyes. Luckily, one's kids love is unconditional or so we hope....

Definitey can see an improvement in shoulder, chest and back moves, and even the push ups and pull ups are getting better and better.

We have been so good at sticking to the food regime, but certainly my tip to future PCPers is to make your social life as non-existent as possible to facilitate sticking to the diet and avoiding temptation under your nose.
This past week alone, we had people to stay and cooked them a roast that we couldn't eat, they drank a bottle of red while chilling with us in front of the fire - we drank tap water. I went to an Indian Restaurant and drank an exciting sparkling mineral water (one no more!) the whole night while everyone else devoured curry and got slowly smashed on red wine. I hosted a surprise birthday party for a friend here on Monday morning - 6 gals, 10 kids, food galore and even popped some champagne - pink bubbles. Ooooh the toughness to resist... Went out to fave restuarant with the kids and friends last weekend after ice skating and had an... skinny decaf cappucino - woooooooo hoooooooo for a Saturday night !! (didn't even eat the complimentary biscuit on saucer or free mint with the bill !).

Today though, Bruce and I had a brilliant meeting with an amazing outcome, so went to a restaurant called Meat Co after to celebrate. We had red meat for the third time in the past 38 days - a pepper crusted fillet and it was awesome. Onion rings we decided counted as a veg (rather debatable but the batter was almost invisible!) and I even picked the parmesan off the rocket salad. Shared a whoopiedoo bottle of spring water and toasted our good health !!

Looking forward to working out in the mornings this weekend. It's definitely my best. Managed to do so a couple of days this past week, but more often than not end up doing the workout from 5 to 6 when home from work.

Still haven't split the skipping and the exercises. Prefer to nail the whole thing in one go. The tunes are ESSENTIAL. Madonna was my pal today. Each day I choose a different album/artist.

Hope you are all doing great. I will take some time this weekend to check out all your blogs, pictures, news and views.

Happy weekend all and can't wait till we hit the Day 40 mark. A sense of real acheivement comes with that, especially as Patrick says 90% of people flake out by that point. Excited to have it confirmed that we are the chosen few and stubborn enough to stick it out.


Friday 1 July 2011

J-Lo mum inspiration

Day 31 - finally the scales are my friend

After a love/hate relationship with the scales over past 30 days, they are finally coming to the party. I am down 2.2kg since Day 1. Totally pleased with that. I am now back to the weight I was as a smoker, so now next goal is 2kg more, then I will be where I was prior to both pregnancies.

Weirdly rather enjoying the smoothie each night. Love the simplicity of supper and we can sit and hang out with the kids while drinking it. Have it early at around 6.30pm.

Then am not hungry at all for the veg later. Forcing them down though. Hope I am meant to do that - could really happily skip them.

Felt woozey on work out this morning after jumps. Took a 3 minute breather then ploughed ahead with rest of burny biceps, extraordinary triceps and astounding abs. Can't keep blaming the kids, but surely pregnancies have a bit to answer for with my pathetic abs ? Although with J Lo's new video and Britney's six pack comeback then I don't think us mums have got a leg left to stand on with excuses...

Workout taking me 45-50 mins now including stretch/warm down. Was taking me 35 mins last week. Definintely perspiring more. Gotta be good. Garfield often pops into my head "No pain, no gain" was his motto.

Welcome to the second trimester fellow PCP and Pucksters....