Thursday 30 June 2011

Day 30 - stiff

This has been a good day. Psychologically, day 30 - a third of the way in. More than a quarter, less than half...gotta be a pat on the back for that.

Exercised yesterday and today in the morning. So much better and the day afterwards just unfolds, rather than this "still got to exercise" cloud hanging over the day.

Skipping is sorted and squats all good. My legs have been the body part that has impressed me the most.

As for the dips on the chair. PATHETIC. I was like a pendulum with my legs swinging bizarrely while dipping a few millimeters each dip. I did think my ankle crossing looked just like Patrick. Surely I get some points for that ?!!

For a 34 year old, my creeping is totally OAP (old age pensioner) but I remain confident that I am just in the amateur phase and that good progress is sure to follow..

Bruce took our resting heart rates today (not something I have ever done before) and mine was so low I was in the ATHLETE category. I laughed like a hyaena. That is the funniest thing. Anyhoo, got to be good news, no ? Olympics here I come.....

Day 29 - Indulgence

Well for the sweet toothed fairy, this was an exciting treat. Had my heart set on a vanilla cupcake, but when we got to our fave Deli, they were not fresh, so decided the disappointment of dry cake was not worth the calories. So ordered chocolate cake instead. Took one bite and didn't like the flavour, so asked to have it in a doggy bag and brought home to give away. Again, not worth the calories. So third time lucky (the waiter by this point thought I was a tad fruity) was the chocolate cheesecake... oh... my.....gawd. Heaven on a teaspoon... every mouthful was orgasmic... wish I could write that it tasted too sweet, made me feel sick after or has put me off desserts forever, but alas, that would be a big fat lie. Twas heavenly....

However, to then have a smoothie (with unusual ingredients) a few hours later and then some steamed peppers a couple of hours after that, did make me feel a tad queasy and didn't want to think about all those randomly different ingredients mixed up in my stomach.

Strangely, I have had no sweet cravings whatsoever today and I do believe that the indulgence worked as planned by Patrick.

Only wondering how long it is until the next indulgence - days, weeks or months ? the suspense is fun.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Day 27 - obsessed

Ever since I have been granted the Indulgence, I have been obsessing over sweet things and have the image of my favourite vanilla cupcake. As it's our wedding anniversary on Friday, B and I were going to go out for coffee and cake instead of our usual boozey delicious supper to celebrate.
However, my impatience is at an all time high and we may not make it till Friday before we eat cake... My mouth is watering. Promise to take pic and confess when the moment arrives....

Monday 27 June 2011

Days 25 and 26

Wow - what a contrast in Sat and Sunday. Saturday I felt invincible, will power was at full blast and I felt a whoosh of energy and enthousiasm throughout the workout and felt high and fab after.

Sunday, I felt flat, low, tired and for the first time since starting, completely uninterested or motivated to do the workout.

We seem to have fallen into a pattern of doing our workout one after the other in the time slot between 3pm and 7pm. That is after lunch is digested and before it is bathtime for the kids.

We were hosting B's family from Thursday night till Sunday brunch, so I am guessing I am just totally exhausted from that.

It is school holidays now for 4 weeks, so going to get tougher on the home front as B and I try to juggle that (we have a very tiny support structure here and no family, so holiday times are harder). He is at home today with our little one and I will do tomorrow. Then we should have some help starting on Wednesday. Lets see how it goes. The plus side of that is maybe being able to do the exercises in the morning, which always gives you such a good day after.

We have no plans for whoopie doo nights out for next couple of weeks, so will be trying to have early nights so we can stop feeling so exhausted and really get into the tougher weeks of PCP as they unfold.

I am still hating the pull ups and found the creeps almost impossible, but was in such a grump and lethargic mood yesterday afternoon, that maybe with fresh energy they will get better.

Will try to blog daily this week now that our social calendar is so clear....

Friday 24 June 2011

Day 24 - Muscley legs

Well, the cravings have subsided. 24 days without a biscuit, chocolate or a sip of wine - who would have thought ?!
We have converted a room upstairs into a gym for now, which I enjoy as go into my "zone" to workout there away from all the hustle and bustle of the house, but am doing my skips outside on the deck then dashing up to do the exercises with the IPOD blaring. Music taking me down memory lane to my crazy clubbing days - if you had told that 22 year old me I would one day be doing a Project such as this that requires willpower, determination, sugar and alcohol resistance along with sporty inclinations, I would have guffawed (laughed) for hours.....

Loving the challenge. Bruce's family arrived yesterday for the weekend so they are our first visitors since my brother to witness the "strange" new B and G.

Good luck to you all and I have been thinking how cool it will feel when the next batch of innocent beginners start the PCP behind us, and we will feel like the superior pros, rather than the struggling newbies.

Have splendid weekends wherever you are in the Globe.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Day 22 - Sleeeeeeepy

Dangerous driving after lunch today and yesterday. As soon as the food is digested I have this overwhelming desire to curl up somewhere, anywhere and fall asleep. Happened two days in a row. As soon as I have my afternoon fruit snack and do my workout, I feel back to normal. Weird.....

Early night tonight hopefully will fix up this bizarre sleep craving.

Good night all and welcome to week 4...


Monday 20 June 2011

Day 20

Wow... last night I got 6 hours sleep instead of the 8 hours we have been managing to acheive for past 5 nights and today post lunch Bruce and I nearly fell asleep on our desks we were so exhausted !! How extraordinary.
So looks like it is going to be early to bed with a cup of cammomile for Granny me again tonight.

Who would have thought that the boozing, fun loving night owl is now not managing her days if she doesn't get a solid and sober 8 hours under the duvet....

PCP - you are changing my life and teaching me loads....

Saturday 18 June 2011

Day 18

Hey to you all.
Georgie is back. Sorry I don't blog every day. Mean to, but seem to get tangled up in all the other things that make up my days. Looking forward to reading all the Pucksters' blogs when I have finished posting this today.

So, heaven to have Bruce in charge of the cooking. He is a talented chef and is combining the permitted ingredients in creative and delumptious ways. Scrummy meals and relief to be eating in a pair, not solo anymore.

Skipping is going great. I try not to peek ahead too many days, but couldn't resist after workout tonight and see we hit 1000 skips at end of this week. Funny to think that 18 days ago, that would have terrified me. Now it seems like a manageable challenge.

Exercises are good and I feel less awkward now, and definitely feel my body waking up and new muscles growing. My legs and biceps are where I can see and feel the changes. I am not sure if I am seeing dramatic results in the mirror yet, but I don't think I am mistaken in thinking that my gym pants seem to be sliding on a bit better... hope I am not imagining that ?

Will take heed of Patrick's email re no pain, no gain. Will chat to self and be sure to push my limits some more... The push ups and the inclines are my weakest ones. I dread them and am still very pathetic in these ones. The others are okay for now... don't know what's down the road so don't want to be loud and proudly confident on only day 18 !

Have no confessions re temptations on the food side. Shew.  Our social life is definitely taking a nose dive, which is fine. We are having friends over for breakfast tomorrow though, and I am baking bran muffins as I type this, which will have to be resisted ! Then the croissants from bakery are on order to collect tomorrow so we will just have to try and not smell those ! Then it is fruit, yoghurt etc to be served, so Bruce and I will just have to have our morning allocation of fruit (and maybe swap tomorrow's milk for yoghurt) and pat ourselves on the back afterwards for superhero efforts of will power !

Friends came over today and it is weird to not put out snacks and offer beer/wine but rather offer coffee/herbal teas and put dates and strawberries out as nibbles. Luckily, we are both not heavy drinkers, so not missing the booze at home at all.

Hope you are all dandy, and enjoying the weekend. I like the fact that there is less time pressure over the weekends and that exercising can be done anytime of the day, rather than making a slot for it either before or after work. Also, that the meals can be savoured more slowly, rather than the rush they sometimes end up being on weekdays, especially breakfast.

Over and out.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Day 15 - Back on track

Good to be back on track after sugar blip on Monday night...! Getting into the swing of 6 meals a day and enjoying the challenge...
For the first time so far, I separated skips and exercises into two sections. Did the skips early this morning then did the exercises with Bruce this afternoon. Good to do them in a pair. Motivating and made the time whizz by faster.
Located some ostrich meat, so will be having that some time over next few days as a change from fish, prawns and chicken.
Public holiday here tomorrow so looking forward to a leisurely day and hoping to catch up on a good nights sleep both today and tomorrow.
Also will be nice to do workout in the morning, with no rushing as the day is ours.
Feeling incredibly tired, and an ache in the middle of my back, but other than that, body feeling alive and an extra spring in my step as muscles waken up one by one.
A few people commenting that my skin is glowing, so must be my body loving the detox...

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Day 14

Sleepy, so sleepy and hungry, hungry, hungry. How can I be hungry with Incredible Hulk sized portions ? I just want to eat and sleep, eat and sleep... not good when I am sitting at my desk and it's only 2pm... Thank goodness I have done the skips as don't think I could muster up the energy for those when I get home this afternoon.

Anyone else out there feeling different since day 13 ?


Day 13 - moment of weakness

Last night, alone, hiding in the pantry, i had my first moment of weakness in 13 days. I ate two mini cupcakes (oh the shame.... ) and even cut them into quarters to prolong the ectasy of sugar hit mixed with naughtiness. The guilt was overwhelming, but I won't lie, the taste delicious.

I am so so tired today and have a craving for a cappucino and something sweet. Not sure what's going on past 24 hrs but feeling flat and low. Am struggling to manage to get more than 6 or 7 hrs sleep at night, so perhaps that is the missing link. Will start emptying my calendar of social things after 6pm and see if some early nights can't rejuvenate me and make my battery feel more charged.

Up at 5.30 this morning and skipped the whole 800 without tripping. I divide the number of skips by 10 then mark off on a piece of paper when I have done a set. So today was 10 sets of 80. My gaps between sets is tiny and my fitness improving daily. Still not a pretty sight to see my reflection in the windows, but certainly see some more shape on my legs and biceps so something is working !!

I know Patrick told me not to worry about what's on the scales, but I can't help being wholly disheartened by the fact I have obideintly followed PCP rules for 13 days (apart from slip last night) and still the scales show a measley half a kilo loss. Note to self - do some measurements and photos and enjoy the journey as the weight loss must be further down the road.

Must get on with work now.


Monday 13 June 2011

Day 13

Wow... has it really been 4 days since my last blog ? Sorry gang... Well, I surpassed all my expectations by sticking to the PCP since my last blog despite being out for supper at a restaurant on both Thursday and Friday night, then having my brother to stay on Saturday and Sunday.

Thursday night ordered salmon, buttenut and rocket and sipped sparkling water while my mate enjoyed her red wine. Then I capped it all off with an exotic cammomile tea instead of my fave and usual, a decaf cappucino with Kahlua on the rocks on the side.

Friday we were in the best Asian restaurant in town, but I turned a blind eye to my fave duck section of the menu, pleaded with the waiter to tell me the healthiest thing on the fish part of menu, and then really enjoyed a steamed white fish with bok choi on the side and some steamed white rice. Another night of drinking tap water in a restaurant - have to say the desire for a glass of vino was quite revoltingly high.

Saturday and Sunday my brother humoured me and enjoyed our chicken breasts, roasted veg and broccoli for supper and then healthy salad, prawns, smoked salmon and wholewheat wraps for lunch.

Finding it unbelievable how much veggies get cooked up into nothing. Did some new potatoes today as not loving munching so much bread. My kids are now hijacking my eggs in the morning, so am hardboiling a few the day before so there are plenty to share ! Loving the fruit snacks and can safely say my blood sugars feel level most of the day, so am feeling very empowered by the fact a dip into the biscuit tin is no longer an urge I have to deal with.

Really love the skips. My legs feel tougher, firmer and I really enjoy the squats/lunges. Feel I am a bit pathetic with the upper body work outs and so looking forward to Bruce being back tomorrow to tell me if I am doing them remotely correctly and then he can assist me to sort them out. My abs are DESTROYED. Will blame it on two children been made in me, but realise that I need to fix this area as it's so not pretty.  Definitely feel areas coming alive in other parts of my shoulders/arms/bootie and trousers are sitting better.

Must get organised with the photos this week. Bruce is my photographer/ technical advisor so can also hopefully help me work out how to comment on a blog. I still haven't succeeded.

Dogs are finally getting over the novelty of me exercising and for once today, left me alone for the workout, just came to visit while I was doing the tricep dips and then had to shut them out for the ab part or they literally lick my face sit on the mat while I am concentrating.

I am confessing that my shoulders must be so weak and pathetic that even with the light resistance band, I can only pull up as far as my ribcage. So I look weeks away from Patrick's pose on the pdf of exercises. Wondering if it would be good to have a full length mirror to watch me doing the standing up exercises so I can correct form (and be motivated by still far too much curves and love handles and bumps and lumps that need to be PCPed away).

Good luck to you all and am enjoying reading all your blogs -  just can't comment yet !


Thursday 9 June 2011

To help keep your efforts into perspective

Should any of you be having a bad day, or struggling to stay motivated, please compare your efforts with this guy... OMG what a dedication to his cause.... If the human body can do this, then surely we can manage the PCP for 90 days....

Day 9

2 slices of wholemeal toast and an avocado, plus boiled egg and glass of milk. Not too bad ! Finding bread without butter a little depressing, but not as dry and terrible as I had imagined. Definitely feel like my cravings for salt and sugar are subsiding but am loving the fruit snacks.

Hoping raisins are allowed as fruit, having just read Patrick's breaksfast link, I fear not.

As I am a "home mum" today, I used the time this morning to cook up lots of things for the fridge. Bangers and mash for my kids (holy crap, did they smell good !) as I am going out tonight so the babysitter can just heat them up. Then I did courgettes, new potatoes, chicken with lemon juice and black pepper and butternut. All in it's tupperware and ready for heating...

Rather flabbergasted at the quantity of veggies I am pounding through. And that is just me. Will be more than double that when Bruce gets back. Thank goodness we live in a place where the shops are stacked with great quality fruit and veg. This would be hard to do if you lived more remote.

Out for supper tonight with a good girlfriend. Will be my first time in a restaurant while PCPing it. Think I may look a tad fruity if I whip out the scale from my handbag, so guess I will just have to use my eye and wing it... Fizzy water will be the woo hoooo of beverages I guess. Pants.... but loving the challenge all the same.

Good luck to the rest of the team... Will do my workout later. Hopefully I don't ping off the door while doing the rowing. I have a very busy imagination and can totally visualise some very hilarious moments for me in today's exercises (not to mention the neighbour's concern when they see me hanging on to the underneath of my dining table outside)...


Day 8

Sick two year old so tried to work from home. Got nothing done. Tried to remain patient with my whingey follower. Dogs peed on the study floor - why I have no idea !! Abandoned trying to work and went to supermarket with my small friend and was a new experience to spend 80% of my time on the veg and seafood aisles. Biscuit aisle didn't get a mention...

Enjoyed the weighing of food and novelty of eating so much veggies and protein. Am not such a carbs girl, but will work on it. For now, my veggies of choice are courgettes, butternut, broccoli, wee cherry tomatoes and sweet potato. My protein is smoked salmon and prawns. Will branch into chicken tomorrow.

Did the exercises at 3.30pm for a change (working from home, so grab the extra hour in bed in the morning and do in the afternoon to shuffle up the routine). Really enjoyed it but was aghast at my lack of planning for the pull ups place. Went round and round the house 3 times looking for inspiration, then had to just carry on with the rest. Bruce pointed out to me on the phone that our outside table will work, so will try that from Day 9 onwards.

Took dogs for brisk walk as my warm down.

Another day in the bag...

Day 7

Bliss as far as time it took to do workout. Got up at 5.30, let the kids watch tv in my bed while I went downstairs and skipped in our entrance hall for a change of scene. As it was still dark outside, I had the awful view of myself bouncing up and down as the reflection in the window. Rather upset me to see how much of me wobbles. Not sure if it was motivating or just plain depressing.....

Monday 6 June 2011

Day 6

Went to bed too late last night, so didn't do my exercise this morning. Have to be in the car with both kids ready for school and me all packed for work by 7.15am. It's mid winter here and impossible to describe how cold the mornings are. Central heating does not exist in South AFrican homes. The nation just hibernates for the four months of winter. Wonder why Bruce and I chose this chilly time for PCP, but in fact, possibly more pleasant to be working out in sweatshirts and hoodies rather than melting in the summertime.

I feel weak today. Been very good with food. Small bowl of all bran with raisins for brekkie. Apple and 2 dates for morning snack. Green leaves and a handful of prawns for lunch. Then just water and herbal tea to keep the taste buds tingling. Planning to have salmon and corn for supper. Think sitting at my desk all day and no sugar hits is making me feel flat. Must leave now to get home for the kids, then find the energy to work out before it gets too dark and chilly. If I feed the kids quick and then bribe them to watch a DVD quietly, then hopefully I can get my workout done before taking them up for bath and bed.

Note to self - exercising in the morning is going to be my best option, especially while Bruce is overseas.

Wish me luck with the no chocolate cave in after supper. I have raspberries and dates on standby as replacement !


Sunday 5 June 2011

Day 5

Something magical happened with my skipping today..... all of a sudden I was doing one jump between skips, not two. I actually felt like I vaguely resembled somebody sporty rather than a muppet out of shape mum ! What a great feeling... also meant doing 70 skips was more like doing 35 as only propelling myself off the floor once, not twice per jump. Gotta be a good sign for the skips to come over the next 85 days....(she hopes).
Strange experience to be at a lunch party with everyone drinking and smoking and the moi with my water glass and small portion of main course. Managed to have 3 healthy meals today - no nibbling inbetween and then only confession is small bit of chocolate this evening. Cammomile tea is fast becoming my good night ritual while I type my blog in peace and quiet. Red wine used to be my best friend at night... herbal tea the new crux. Whatever next...
Hope you all are also feeling positive. I guess we must enjoy it while it lasts. I imagine there are some rough days ahead and some more negative blogs will flow forth.

Till tomorrow.


Saturday 4 June 2011

Day 4

Well, still enjoying the challenge of eating right and certainly an advantage to be living with a partner who is also doing PCP. Bruce is very focused and when he sets his mind to something, he does it 100% so he is a great energy to have around, especially for this challenge.

We worked out this afternoon together outside on the deck, rather than tucked away in the bedroom upstairs, but it was far too fascinating for our two dogs and two year old son, so I finished the skips back upstairs to regain focus.
However, was fun to do the other exercises outside in the fresh air, and to be in a pair motivating, praising and constructively criticising each other's techniques was for me, highly beneficial.
It seems the reason I have been struggling with the push ups is due to the fact I was positioned all wrong, so Bruce has shown me the right way and from tomorrow I hope to be strenghtening my chest and back, and not my biceps on these reps !

Defintely more temptations on the food front when at home, not at work, but we did really well.
Poached egg on toast for brekkie, Salad for lunch and a mixed picnic type platter for supper. Naughty moment was one and a half small bran and raisin muffin this afternoon, but I baked them with my daughter this morning, as she loves to bake together on the weekend. And my terrible habit of a sweet taste after savoury meal. Got some very very dark chocolate and had one square tonight, and it hit the spot. One square can't be the end of the world surely ? Am drinking cammomile tea now as redemption.
I will be sure to give the leftover muffins to my next door neighbour tomorrow to avoid any temptation of digging into them again.

Tomorrow is my first social outing since starting PCP (managed to duck out of two invites this week so far) so will be a new concept for me to say NO to a glass of wine or three.... to eat a small portion of food at the lunch should go unoticed, but the no booze thing may raise an eyebrow or two...

Bruce flies overseas tonight, so it is single mumdom for me for a couple of weeks, so I will have to be even more organised to juggle time for PCP exercising amongst my job and the two kids etc. Early morning workout sessions Monday to Friday will I guess be my best bet.

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday. Good luck with Day 5 schedule.

Friday 3 June 2011

Day 3

LOVING the skipping so much more than I had feared... Definitely felt the difference on last 10 of the 60 rather than 50 and can only imagine how many we are doing by week 11... cross that bridge when we get there.
Think my appetite has shrunk during the day and still very motivated by eating right. However, my weak moment is each evening after supper. I have to have something sweet straight after my meal at night. It's a habit from childhood (thanks mum!) that seems to me impossible to break. I have managed self will to just have a tiny bit compared to my normal fix, so lets see if I can keep on reducing the urge over next while and hopefully eliminate the urge entirely.
Bruce and I going to try and do our workout tomorrow together (providing the little ones will watch a movie and not try and join in). Could be fun and motivating, or we could just end up laughing so much that we have to go back to single sessions.
Will post about it tomorrow.
Good night.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Day 2

Being a mum of two little sproglets, setting an alarm is not something I need to do often. So to be rudely awoken at 5am to my alarm and sub zero temperatures in our bedroom, was not a delicious start to the day. However, as always, once up, dressed and mind awake, it is wonderful to be in the house before everyone else wakes up.
Skipping and lunges great. I am pathetic at the chest bar but certainly an improvement on yesterday and there was no humanly way possible my abs would allow me to do the full double leg lift up to the sky and back, but a two thirds of the way lift was more doable.
Pretty hungry this morning and went to supermarket yesterday to stock up on sugar free, salt free, slow release energy food, so feeling positive about the food choices Bruce and I will make today.
Fun to be doing this with my partner. We work together as well so there is plenty of motivation and comfort in the fact that my buddy is close by and we are doing the challenge together.
Over and out.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Day 1

Buzzing about the fact that we have started. No more talking about PCP, now we get into it and see how this adventure pans out.
Scuse the delayed posting of the blog. Could not get the site let me type but now that technical challenge is mastered, it is tally ho from now on.
Really enjoyed the exercises this morning and have halved the calories today with plenty of fruit and lots of water.
Lets see how I do with the early alarm clock tomorrow. Mornings not my speciality, but am determined to try and do the workout early mornings whenever possible.
Sleep well.