Wednesday 1 June 2011

Day 1

Buzzing about the fact that we have started. No more talking about PCP, now we get into it and see how this adventure pans out.
Scuse the delayed posting of the blog. Could not get the site let me type but now that technical challenge is mastered, it is tally ho from now on.
Really enjoyed the exercises this morning and have halved the calories today with plenty of fruit and lots of water.
Lets see how I do with the early alarm clock tomorrow. Mornings not my speciality, but am determined to try and do the workout early mornings whenever possible.
Sleep well.


  1. Nice! I find morning workouts the best too.. can never guarantee when you get off work afterall...


  2. Thanks Greenie and Wei. Bruce is away now on business, so will just have to see how early I have to get up in order to still get the two kids and I in the car in time on our way to school and work. May have to do some afternoon sessions while he's away.... but mornings definitely my best.
    Good luck to you both ! Definitely a great support to have a partner by your side.
