Tuesday 14 June 2011

Day 13 - moment of weakness

Last night, alone, hiding in the pantry, i had my first moment of weakness in 13 days. I ate two mini cupcakes (oh the shame.... ) and even cut them into quarters to prolong the ectasy of sugar hit mixed with naughtiness. The guilt was overwhelming, but I won't lie, the taste delicious.

I am so so tired today and have a craving for a cappucino and something sweet. Not sure what's going on past 24 hrs but feeling flat and low. Am struggling to manage to get more than 6 or 7 hrs sleep at night, so perhaps that is the missing link. Will start emptying my calendar of social things after 6pm and see if some early nights can't rejuvenate me and make my battery feel more charged.

Up at 5.30 this morning and skipped the whole 800 without tripping. I divide the number of skips by 10 then mark off on a piece of paper when I have done a set. So today was 10 sets of 80. My gaps between sets is tiny and my fitness improving daily. Still not a pretty sight to see my reflection in the windows, but certainly see some more shape on my legs and biceps so something is working !!

I know Patrick told me not to worry about what's on the scales, but I can't help being wholly disheartened by the fact I have obideintly followed PCP rules for 13 days (apart from slip last night) and still the scales show a measley half a kilo loss. Note to self - do some measurements and photos and enjoy the journey as the weight loss must be further down the road.

Must get on with work now.


1 comment:

  1. Stick with it lady! I haven't lost weight either but I do feel like my pants are fitting a little looser. Patrick said we'll start to see results after this week. I think it's going to be hard doing this with so many men because they shed weight and build muscle so much faster! Amanda, You and I will have to use each other as a gauge, not those stupid men:O) You can do it! Try posting some pictures of people in bikini's in your pantry, that might keep you from visiting those nasty cupcakes.
