Friday 3 June 2011

Day 3

LOVING the skipping so much more than I had feared... Definitely felt the difference on last 10 of the 60 rather than 50 and can only imagine how many we are doing by week 11... cross that bridge when we get there.
Think my appetite has shrunk during the day and still very motivated by eating right. However, my weak moment is each evening after supper. I have to have something sweet straight after my meal at night. It's a habit from childhood (thanks mum!) that seems to me impossible to break. I have managed self will to just have a tiny bit compared to my normal fix, so lets see if I can keep on reducing the urge over next while and hopefully eliminate the urge entirely.
Bruce and I going to try and do our workout tomorrow together (providing the little ones will watch a movie and not try and join in). Could be fun and motivating, or we could just end up laughing so much that we have to go back to single sessions.
Will post about it tomorrow.
Good night.

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