Saturday 18 June 2011

Day 18

Hey to you all.
Georgie is back. Sorry I don't blog every day. Mean to, but seem to get tangled up in all the other things that make up my days. Looking forward to reading all the Pucksters' blogs when I have finished posting this today.

So, heaven to have Bruce in charge of the cooking. He is a talented chef and is combining the permitted ingredients in creative and delumptious ways. Scrummy meals and relief to be eating in a pair, not solo anymore.

Skipping is going great. I try not to peek ahead too many days, but couldn't resist after workout tonight and see we hit 1000 skips at end of this week. Funny to think that 18 days ago, that would have terrified me. Now it seems like a manageable challenge.

Exercises are good and I feel less awkward now, and definitely feel my body waking up and new muscles growing. My legs and biceps are where I can see and feel the changes. I am not sure if I am seeing dramatic results in the mirror yet, but I don't think I am mistaken in thinking that my gym pants seem to be sliding on a bit better... hope I am not imagining that ?

Will take heed of Patrick's email re no pain, no gain. Will chat to self and be sure to push my limits some more... The push ups and the inclines are my weakest ones. I dread them and am still very pathetic in these ones. The others are okay for now... don't know what's down the road so don't want to be loud and proudly confident on only day 18 !

Have no confessions re temptations on the food side. Shew.  Our social life is definitely taking a nose dive, which is fine. We are having friends over for breakfast tomorrow though, and I am baking bran muffins as I type this, which will have to be resisted ! Then the croissants from bakery are on order to collect tomorrow so we will just have to try and not smell those ! Then it is fruit, yoghurt etc to be served, so Bruce and I will just have to have our morning allocation of fruit (and maybe swap tomorrow's milk for yoghurt) and pat ourselves on the back afterwards for superhero efforts of will power !

Friends came over today and it is weird to not put out snacks and offer beer/wine but rather offer coffee/herbal teas and put dates and strawberries out as nibbles. Luckily, we are both not heavy drinkers, so not missing the booze at home at all.

Hope you are all dandy, and enjoying the weekend. I like the fact that there is less time pressure over the weekends and that exercising can be done anytime of the day, rather than making a slot for it either before or after work. Also, that the meals can be savoured more slowly, rather than the rush they sometimes end up being on weekdays, especially breakfast.

Over and out.


  1. The loose pants is a single best indicator of fat loss, good job. Just accept that your social life will be odd for the next few months, but when it's all over you can get back out there looking and feeling better than ever!

  2. We just had a little soiree with friends last night too... they were sympathetic though and had bought us bottles of water and some lemon juice to drink while they made margaritas and got hammered. Still, I'm fairly certain they had specially arrayed the grilled sausages and hamburgers on the table just to tempt us...
