Monday 6 June 2011

Day 6

Went to bed too late last night, so didn't do my exercise this morning. Have to be in the car with both kids ready for school and me all packed for work by 7.15am. It's mid winter here and impossible to describe how cold the mornings are. Central heating does not exist in South AFrican homes. The nation just hibernates for the four months of winter. Wonder why Bruce and I chose this chilly time for PCP, but in fact, possibly more pleasant to be working out in sweatshirts and hoodies rather than melting in the summertime.

I feel weak today. Been very good with food. Small bowl of all bran with raisins for brekkie. Apple and 2 dates for morning snack. Green leaves and a handful of prawns for lunch. Then just water and herbal tea to keep the taste buds tingling. Planning to have salmon and corn for supper. Think sitting at my desk all day and no sugar hits is making me feel flat. Must leave now to get home for the kids, then find the energy to work out before it gets too dark and chilly. If I feed the kids quick and then bribe them to watch a DVD quietly, then hopefully I can get my workout done before taking them up for bath and bed.

Note to self - exercising in the morning is going to be my best option, especially while Bruce is overseas.

Wish me luck with the no chocolate cave in after supper. I have raspberries and dates on standby as replacement !



  1. Good Luck!

    You can do it. I know what its like trying to get out of bed in the freezing cold (I live in London) I started personal training in mid winter and did early mornign workouts in the frosty park for while. Its tough! But keep at it! x

  2. Kim and I binged with chocolate ice cream and fudge sauce before PCP got started. I imagine that craving is going to hit hard in a few weeks! Good luck fellow chocoholic!

  3. Georgie you have one of the strongest wills when you put your mind to it. I tougher now as I'm away for a while but know you will find your feet. 2 kids, 2 dogs, cold weather, minus a husband too as well as a new PCP program isnt easy. Keep strong!
