Saturday 4 June 2011

Day 4

Well, still enjoying the challenge of eating right and certainly an advantage to be living with a partner who is also doing PCP. Bruce is very focused and when he sets his mind to something, he does it 100% so he is a great energy to have around, especially for this challenge.

We worked out this afternoon together outside on the deck, rather than tucked away in the bedroom upstairs, but it was far too fascinating for our two dogs and two year old son, so I finished the skips back upstairs to regain focus.
However, was fun to do the other exercises outside in the fresh air, and to be in a pair motivating, praising and constructively criticising each other's techniques was for me, highly beneficial.
It seems the reason I have been struggling with the push ups is due to the fact I was positioned all wrong, so Bruce has shown me the right way and from tomorrow I hope to be strenghtening my chest and back, and not my biceps on these reps !

Defintely more temptations on the food front when at home, not at work, but we did really well.
Poached egg on toast for brekkie, Salad for lunch and a mixed picnic type platter for supper. Naughty moment was one and a half small bran and raisin muffin this afternoon, but I baked them with my daughter this morning, as she loves to bake together on the weekend. And my terrible habit of a sweet taste after savoury meal. Got some very very dark chocolate and had one square tonight, and it hit the spot. One square can't be the end of the world surely ? Am drinking cammomile tea now as redemption.
I will be sure to give the leftover muffins to my next door neighbour tomorrow to avoid any temptation of digging into them again.

Tomorrow is my first social outing since starting PCP (managed to duck out of two invites this week so far) so will be a new concept for me to say NO to a glass of wine or three.... to eat a small portion of food at the lunch should go unoticed, but the no booze thing may raise an eyebrow or two...

Bruce flies overseas tonight, so it is single mumdom for me for a couple of weeks, so I will have to be even more organised to juggle time for PCP exercising amongst my job and the two kids etc. Early morning workout sessions Monday to Friday will I guess be my best bet.

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday. Good luck with Day 5 schedule.

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