Sunday 5 June 2011

Day 5

Something magical happened with my skipping today..... all of a sudden I was doing one jump between skips, not two. I actually felt like I vaguely resembled somebody sporty rather than a muppet out of shape mum ! What a great feeling... also meant doing 70 skips was more like doing 35 as only propelling myself off the floor once, not twice per jump. Gotta be a good sign for the skips to come over the next 85 days....(she hopes).
Strange experience to be at a lunch party with everyone drinking and smoking and the moi with my water glass and small portion of main course. Managed to have 3 healthy meals today - no nibbling inbetween and then only confession is small bit of chocolate this evening. Cammomile tea is fast becoming my good night ritual while I type my blog in peace and quiet. Red wine used to be my best friend at night... herbal tea the new crux. Whatever next...
Hope you all are also feeling positive. I guess we must enjoy it while it lasts. I imagine there are some rough days ahead and some more negative blogs will flow forth.

Till tomorrow.


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