Monday 13 June 2011

Day 13

Wow... has it really been 4 days since my last blog ? Sorry gang... Well, I surpassed all my expectations by sticking to the PCP since my last blog despite being out for supper at a restaurant on both Thursday and Friday night, then having my brother to stay on Saturday and Sunday.

Thursday night ordered salmon, buttenut and rocket and sipped sparkling water while my mate enjoyed her red wine. Then I capped it all off with an exotic cammomile tea instead of my fave and usual, a decaf cappucino with Kahlua on the rocks on the side.

Friday we were in the best Asian restaurant in town, but I turned a blind eye to my fave duck section of the menu, pleaded with the waiter to tell me the healthiest thing on the fish part of menu, and then really enjoyed a steamed white fish with bok choi on the side and some steamed white rice. Another night of drinking tap water in a restaurant - have to say the desire for a glass of vino was quite revoltingly high.

Saturday and Sunday my brother humoured me and enjoyed our chicken breasts, roasted veg and broccoli for supper and then healthy salad, prawns, smoked salmon and wholewheat wraps for lunch.

Finding it unbelievable how much veggies get cooked up into nothing. Did some new potatoes today as not loving munching so much bread. My kids are now hijacking my eggs in the morning, so am hardboiling a few the day before so there are plenty to share ! Loving the fruit snacks and can safely say my blood sugars feel level most of the day, so am feeling very empowered by the fact a dip into the biscuit tin is no longer an urge I have to deal with.

Really love the skips. My legs feel tougher, firmer and I really enjoy the squats/lunges. Feel I am a bit pathetic with the upper body work outs and so looking forward to Bruce being back tomorrow to tell me if I am doing them remotely correctly and then he can assist me to sort them out. My abs are DESTROYED. Will blame it on two children been made in me, but realise that I need to fix this area as it's so not pretty.  Definitely feel areas coming alive in other parts of my shoulders/arms/bootie and trousers are sitting better.

Must get organised with the photos this week. Bruce is my photographer/ technical advisor so can also hopefully help me work out how to comment on a blog. I still haven't succeeded.

Dogs are finally getting over the novelty of me exercising and for once today, left me alone for the workout, just came to visit while I was doing the tricep dips and then had to shut them out for the ab part or they literally lick my face sit on the mat while I am concentrating.

I am confessing that my shoulders must be so weak and pathetic that even with the light resistance band, I can only pull up as far as my ribcage. So I look weeks away from Patrick's pose on the pdf of exercises. Wondering if it would be good to have a full length mirror to watch me doing the standing up exercises so I can correct form (and be motivated by still far too much curves and love handles and bumps and lumps that need to be PCPed away).

Good luck to you all and am enjoying reading all your blogs -  just can't comment yet !


1 comment:

  1. My bags are packed and I'm so looking forward to coming home. Well done on surviving all those nights out and not caving in. See you tomorrow. B
